Tucked beneath the shadows of Mount Fuji is a forest so consumed with darkness and despair, it produces thousands of suicides every decade. The Aokigahara Forest, or The Japanese Suicide Forest, is an unfortunate ending spot in life for many troubled souls. It is said to be haunted by many yureis that haven’t crossed over and plan to haunt the forest forever. Nick and Rob will attempt to bring light to an incredibly dark subject. Your life is indeed a wonderful gift and there are many outlets out there if you feel pushed to the limit.
Category: Uncategorized
Ep #21 Sex Demons
There are your basic sex demons and there are the malevolent little shits that Brohio tells you about in this episode. We pull back the cover on the worst sex demons from all around the world. This isn’t restricted to our favorite, Incubus and Succubus, this is many heavy hitters you’ve never heard of.
Ep #20 Gypsy Rose Case
Dee Dee Blancharde spent her daughter’s entire life making her believe she was deathly ill. She convinced doctors to treat her daughter, Gypsy, for sleep apnea, leukemia, muscular dystrophy and list of other ailments too long to write. Gypsy met an internet boyfriend whom she convinced to kill her mother, liberating her from the years of abuse. Gypsy is now serving 10 years in prison and the fate of her mother’s killer hangs in the balance.
Ep #19 Indiana Hell House
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Ep #18 Salem Witch Trials
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Ep #17 Alien Abductions
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Ep #16 Death of Tupac
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Ep #19 Indiana Hell House
In this episode, we cover the infamous home from Gary, Indiana that was said to contain the portal to hell. 3 children, a mother and a grandmother experienced CONFIRMED demon activity in the home that medical, law enforcement and government officials all went on record as a witness to. A 7 year old boy walked backwards up a wall in one occasion, in the presence of a registered nurse. People that investigated were seemingly cursed and unexplained horrors followed them.
Thanks, again, to the lovely Courtney C. for her research!
Official Child Protective Services Report
Indy Star Article
Ep #18 Salem Witch Trials
In the late 1600’s an entire village was caught in a display of mass hysteria. Hundreds of people were arrested for practicing witchcraft without a shred of evidence. Some were brutally murdered over these accusations. This episode covers those gruesome events. We also have a live, in studio guest from the United States Air Force. Ron is Phoenix Raven. We also hit on the creepy residual hauntings.
Research assistance provided by the lovely, Courtney C.
Ep #17 Alien Abductions
Have you ever wondered what type of god awful things happen to a person when they’re abducted by aliens? Aliens are creating a master race to take over the world by harvesting OUR sperm and eggs. We also have our first Brohio interview with Michael Menkin. Michael is the inventor of the Thought Screen Helmet. A helmet that has effectively thwarted many alien abductions. Michael is very well versed in Abductions and provided tremendous content during his interview.
Michael’s website: Stop Alien Abductions