Ep #32 The Blood Countess: Elizabeth Bathory

The Bros are back after a Holiday Hiatus. She’s known in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most murderous woman in the history of the world. In this episode we dig into the Blood Countess: Elizabeth Bathory. She tortured her servants in ways that are completely unspeakable. Was she a product of a royal kingdom that wished to see her dead for debts the king owed her? Find out in this episode.  

Ep #31 Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum

A place so dark, few to date even enter after all these years. The Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum was a dumping ground for people suffering from many conditions.  This day, while no longer in business, it is still overran with the tortured souls that haven’t moved on. 
Research Credit: Julie C. and Courtney C.

Ep #30 Villisca Axe Murders

It was a dark cloud that settled over the small town in middle America.  Viscilla, Iowa was known to be a friendly, small place where no face was a stranger. That dark cloud was a precursor of an unsolved murder that saw 6 children and 2 adults bludgeoned to death in their sleep by an unknown assailant(s). Flash forward to modern day Villisca and this home where the axe murders occurred is a paranormal hotspot.  The cries of the children can still be heard to this day.
Research Credit: Courtney C.