Author Lou Valoze: Former Undercover ATF Special Agent: Part 2

This is part 2 of an episode that has been a long time coming! We sat down with Retired ATF Special Agent Lou Valoze. Since we last talked to Lou, he has released a book: Storefront Sting: An ATF Agent’s Life Undercover, the link is below. We talked to Lou about the beginning of his career in the first episode, now we talk about the end of his well accomplished career and some of the demons that haunted him during a dark period of his life! Incredible dude, incredible interview!!


Check out Lou’s website!

Chronovisor: The Vatican Secret Time Machine

There are whispers that the Vatican have a secret device hidden deep in the vaults below the Vatican city. A device that can see into the past and see historical events exactly as they happened. A machine that could hold the entire fate of the world in the balance.


The Bloody Benders

After the American Civil war, the Wild West was born. Around 1870 a group of “spiritualists”, the bender Family, settled into their homestead near Cherryvale Kansas. They opened their own inn and general store. The people that stayed at the inn didn’t know it, but it was likely where they would spend their dying moments. Let’s chat about America’s first serial killing family, The Bloody Benders.