Falcon Lake UFO Incident

In 1967,Stefelak Michalak was the focal point of one of the most well documented and overly examined UFO cases in the history of our world. Taking place in Falcon Lake located in the Whiteshell Provincial Park in Southeastern Manitoba’s, Canada east…

Paranormal Police Emergencies

In this episode we dive into some of the darkest paranormal police call stories that we can find on the internet. This is an extra spoooopy episode!!



Promo code: “Brohio”

Dark Vault: The War In Iraq

Long time listener of the show, Buck, spent 11 years in varioous spots serving it the US Army. Including 3 rotations in Iraq. Buck also volunteered to fight alongside the Kurds and the Ukrainians for literally nothing. Enjoy his stories with us.

Buried Alive

Being buried alive is one of everyone’s biggest fears! In this episode we talk about many instances where someone was laid to rest, BUT THEY WERE STILL ALIVE!!


HelloFresh America’s #1 Meal Kit!!

Powell Family Murders

This is the sad tale of Josh and Susan Powell. Newlyweds in the Mormon/Latter Day Saints community. Josh had many demons and was an abusive husband. Not only did Susan have to fear Josh, but she had to fear his father, Steven, as well.

Enfield Demon Monster

In Enfield Illinois, there was MANY sightings of an alleged beast. Was it a demon, monster, ghost bigfoot??? Only the bros know for sure!!


manscaped.com PROMO CODE: “BROHIO”
