Seances and Calling The Dead

Have you ever wondered how to contact a dead relative? Maybe all the things that could go wrong? We help you understand it all in this episode.

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Operation Highjump

In this episode we take you with us as we discover the adventures of Admiral Richard Byrd. This is includes his super, top secret, government sponsored mission to the artic. Operation Highjump was believed to be a mission where the US Government was looking for coal deposits, but in all actuality they were looking for Nazi Spacecrafts and Hollow Earth.

Wineville Chicken Coop Murders

Gordon Northcutt was a canadian chicken rancher living in Southern California. He was shunned from LA for sexual assault allegations cast against him. He hired the help of nephew, Sanford, where they ultimately committed the murder of as many as 20 boys at the chicken ranch. One of the missing boys was Walter Collins. His disappearance alone was enough for it’s own episode.

Snake Handling Churches

Deep in the heart of Appalachia in the USA, there hides churches that practice the religious expression of snake handling. Snake handling is a Pentecostal practice in the church setting and these people are looney tunes.

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